Mary Ann Nellikkunnu, Author at Dahhan Business Services Best PRO Services and Business Set up providers in Dubai Fri, 16 Feb 2024 08:59:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Mary Ann Nellikkunnu, Author at Dahhan Business Services 32 32 Loyalty or Salary? What Employees in UAE Prefer? Tue, 23 Jan 2024 11:16:35 +0000 Loyalty or Salary? What Employees in UAE Prefer? In the dynamic and thriving job market of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), employees often find themselves at a crossroads when it comes to prioritizing between loyalty to their employer and seeking a higher salary. The balance between job loyalty and financial incentives is a

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Loyalty or Salary? What Employees in UAE Prefer?

Loyalty or salary?

In the dynamic and thriving job market of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), employees often find themselves at a crossroads when it comes to prioritizing between loyalty to their employer and seeking a higher salary. The balance between job loyalty and financial incentives is a perennial debate, and understanding the preferences of employees in the UAE can shed light on the evolving dynamics of the workforce in the region.

Loyalty: A Cultural Pillar

Loyalty is deeply ingrained in the cultural fabric of the UAE. Traditionally, employees in the region have placed immense value on long-term relationships with their employers. Many view job stability and loyalty as virtues, and the strong bonds formed within the workplace contribute to a sense of community and belonging.

Factors Contributing to Loyalty:

  1. Company Culture: A positive work culture that fosters collaboration, recognizes achievements and supports personal growth often leads to increased employee loyalty.
  2. Career Development Opportunities: Companies that invest in their employees’ professional growth and provide avenues for career advancement are likely to build a loyal workforce.
  3. Job Security: The stability offered by a secure job is highly prized, particularly in uncertain economic climates.

Salary: The Driving Force

While loyalty remains significant, the economic landscape also plays a pivotal role in shaping employees’ priorities. The UAE has become a global business hub, attracting professionals from diverse backgrounds, and competitive salaries are crucial in retaining top talent.

Factors Influencing Salary Prioritization:

  1. Cost of Living: As the cost of living in the UAE continues to rise, employees are increasingly prioritizing salaries that allow them to maintain a comfortable standard of living.
  2. Market Demand for Skills: Industries with a high demand for specific skill sets often witness employees favoring roles that offer competitive compensation packages.
  3. Global Market Benchmarking: UAE professionals, many of whom have international experience, may compare their salaries with global standards, influencing their expectations.

The Balancing Act:

Employers in the UAE are presented with the challenge of striking the right balance between fostering loyalty and providing competitive salaries. Progressive companies recognize the importance of both elements and are adopting strategies that incorporate employee well-being, professional growth, and financial incentives.

Strategies for Achieving the Balance:

  1. Flexible Benefits Packages: Tailoring benefits to individual preferences, such as wellness programs, education assistance, or flexible work arrangements, can enhance employee satisfaction.
  2. Transparent Communication: Open and transparent communication about the company’s financial health, future prospects, and commitment to employee growth can strengthen trust.
  3. Performance-Based Rewards: Linking financial incentives to individual and team performance can motivate employees while promoting a culture of meritocracy.


In the ongoing debate between loyalty and salary, employees in the UAE are navigating a complex landscape shaped by cultural values, economic realities, and personal aspirations. Striking the right balance is essential for companies aiming to attract and retain top talent in this competitive market. Ultimately, a holistic approach that values employees’ contributions, supports their growth, and provides competitive compensation will likely be the key to success in the evolving job market of the UAE.

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Why in UAE it is important to have a valid visa? Fri, 29 Dec 2023 08:57:23 +0000 Why in UAE it is important to have a valid visa? In the United Arab Emirates (UAE), having a valid visa is crucial for several reasons, and here are the reasons and why: Legal Residency: A valid visa allows individuals to legally reside in the UAE. Without a proper visa, individuals may

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Why in UAE it is important to have a valid visa?

Resident Visa in Dubai

In the United Arab Emirates (UAE), having a valid visa is crucial for several reasons, and here are the reasons and why:

Legal Residency: A valid visa allows individuals to legally reside in the UAE. Without a proper visa, individuals may be considered as illegal residents and could face penalties, fines, and even deportation.

Employment and Work: For expatriates seeking employment in the UAE, a valid work visa is necessary to legally work for an employer. Employers are typically required to sponsor their employees’ visas, ensuring that they have legal permission to work and reside in the country.

Access to Services: With a valid visa, individuals gain access to various essential services, including healthcare, education, and social benefits. This ensures that residents can access necessary services and contribute to society’s overall functioning.

Business Activities: Entrepreneurs and businesspeople often require valid visas to establish and operate businesses in the UAE. Different types of business visas exist, allowing individuals to conduct business activities legally.

Property Ownership: Having a valid visa can be a requirement for purchasing property or leasing real estate in the UAE. This is particularly relevant for expatriates looking to invest in property.

Legal Protection: A valid visa provides legal protection to individuals within the UAE’s jurisdiction. It establishes an individual’s legal status in the country and ensures they are subject to the country’s laws and regulations.

Avoiding Penalties and Deportation: Overstaying a visa or residing in the UAE without a valid visa can lead to fines, penalties, and even deportation. Having a valid visa helps individuals avoid these legal consequences.

Travel and Mobility: A valid visa often allows individuals to travel in and out of the UAE as needed. Different types of visas have varying travel restrictions and durations, so having the appropriate visa type is important for maintaining one’s travel flexibility.

Family Reunification: Family members of individuals working or residing in the UAE can often join them using family visas. This allows for family reunification while ensuring legal compliance.

Contributing to the Economy: The UAE’s economy heavily relies on expatriate workers and entrepreneurs. Valid visas ensure that individuals contribute to the economy through their work, investments, and spending.

Overall, having a valid visa is essential for maintaining legal status, accessing services, conducting business, and contributing positively to the UAE’s society and economy. It helps individuals live and work in the country within the framework of its laws and regulations.

At Dahhan Business Services, our unwavering commitment lies in guaranteeing the compliance of every individual. We are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of regulatory adherence and ensuring that each person we serve operates within the bounds of legality and best practices.

With an acute understanding of the intricate web of regulations and requirements, we take on the responsibility of guiding our clients through the often complex landscape of compliance. Our team of seasoned experts diligently navigates the ever-evolving regulatory environment, leaving no room for oversight or uncertainty.

By placing compliance at the forefront of our mission, we strive to provide a solid foundation upon which individuals and businesses can confidently build their aspirations. We recognize that compliance is not just a legal obligation, but a vital component of ethical conduct and long-term success.

Through meticulous attention to detail, proactive monitoring, and tailored guidance, we go the extra mile to ensure that every facet of our clients’ endeavors aligns with established norms and regulations. At Dahhan Business Services, compliance is not a mere obligation; it is a promise we steadfastly fulfill to empower individuals and foster a culture of responsible and sustainable growth.

Contact us for more details

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From Desert Sands to Global Hub: Difference between setting up a business in Dubai 20 years ago and now? Fri, 11 Aug 2023 07:20:02 +0000 From Desert Sands to Global Hub: Difference between setting up a business in Dubai 20 years ago and now? Dubai, a city that was once nothing more than a vast expanse of desert sands, has now transformed into a global business hub that is attracting entrepreneurs and investors from all corners of the

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From Desert Sands to Global Hub: Difference between setting up a business in Dubai 20 years ago and now?

dubai the global business hub

Dubai, a city that was once nothing more than a vast expanse of desert sands, has now transformed into a global business hub that is attracting entrepreneurs and investors from all corners of the world. The process of establishing a business in Dubai has undergone substantial changes and advancements in the last two decades. The evolution of business regulations, infrastructure, and economic policies has played a pivotal role in transforming Dubai into a renowned global business hub. In this article, we will delve into the fascinating journey of Dubai’s business setup, exploring the key milestones and factors that have contributed to its success. Join us as we uncover the secrets behind Dubai’s rise to becoming a global business powerhouse.

Conclusion: Dubai’s ongoing transformation as a business destination

In summary, the process of establishing a business in Dubai has evolved into a streamlined, investor-friendly, and diverse endeavor over the past two decades. These changes underscore Dubai’s resolute commitment to economic expansion, innovation, and seamless global integration. Rather than anchoring our perspective to the past, let’s embrace the plethora of benefits Dubai offers today.

Take advantage of this dynamic environment by establishing your license now – feel free to contact us for more details.

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Be a Sole Registered Product Distributor Fri, 12 Aug 2022 15:00:39 +0000 Be a Sole Registered Product Distributor, Register, Your Company Why is it important for a company to be registered or to have a legal certificate to distribute a product in UAE?  Selling a product without a legal document or certificate can get you or your company in trouble. Being a registered agent

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Be a Sole Registered Product Distributor, Register, Your Company

be a sole registered product distributor

Why is it important for a company to be registered or to have a legal certificate to distribute a product in UAE? 

Selling a product without a legal document or certificate can get you or your company in trouble. Being a registered agent gives you the exclusive right to distribute and redistribute products in UAE. All you have to do is register your company. 

What is an Authorized distributor?

An authorized dealer is an individual or company authorized by a manufacturer to sell its products. This dealer has a franchise to represent a well-established brand and distribute its products.

What Are the Advantages of Having Distributors?

  • Exclusivity 
  • Core Competency
  • Broaden Retail Sales
  • Market Expansion
  • Customer Service

We just need these few documents to start with the registration:

  • Approved Signature 
  • Trade License
  • Contract in Arabic language
  • Delegation Letter 
  • Agent’s ID – EID of the authorized signatory of the company 
  • Establishment Contract 
  • Partners Signature Form 
  • Products Catalog
  • Other Attachments (if there is anything else required)
  • Contract English

However, there is a requirement for an establishment to get approval or to get a certificate to be a certified agent or sole distributor, the company to be registered should be 100% under the UAE national shareholder’s name.

Always consult with a professional, and we are here to handle all your queries!

The information contained in this presentation is for general informational purposes only related to any governmental updates.
We do not own such content and it is all credited to the news provider, Al Khaleej News.

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Work Ethics of PRO Services Provider Thu, 11 Aug 2022 14:36:37 +0000 Work Ethics of PRO Services Provider Working with a PRO Service Company has its perks, we get to know different clientele and their needs and provide the services according to their requirements, once achieved, and we’ll be able to assist them as it is considered as one of great achievement. Working with

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Work Ethics of PRO Services Provider

pro services in dubai

Working with a PRO Service Company has its perks, we get to know different clientele and their needs and provide the services according to their requirements, once achieved, and we’ll be able to assist them as it is considered as one of great achievement. Working with professional service partners can make all the difference. Staying competitive in today’s business environment, companies like ours always find ways to leverage their strengths and minimize weaknesses.

There are few advantages in providing professional services:

  1. Reasonable Cost

    Professional service companies dedicate one specialty in providing top-notch service but still provide the most reasonable cost. This is evident in the appropriate costing of the company which withstand public inquiry.

  2. Bespoke Service

    As a service provider we manage to prepare a unique cutting-edge experience for each and every company. The hands-on customer service of the employees is one the assurances of a quality performance and mainly the reason why the clients are satisfied.

  3. Unparalleled Expertise

    being in the service and in the same industry for several years, professional services partners also have broad experience that shines new light on potential solutions and connects offices with best practices. Companies such as Dahhan Business Services always make it a priority to keep their staff up-to-date so our business partners have access to the most current and best options available. The legacy of the company and its expertise maintains its partnership to the businesses may it be old or new.

Working with a professional services provider can be one of the smartest ways to achieve our unique expertise so you can focus on your core business. We believe that these qualities are part of the success of an organization. Dahhan Business Services, is a corporate entity that will cater your needs and offer the best services among our business owners all over the world.

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The Obstacle in Our Path Parable Thu, 11 Aug 2022 14:00:19 +0000 The Obstacle in Our Path Parable A wise king had a boulder placed in the middle of the main road leading into and out of the kingdom. For most of the day, busy merchants and wealthy nobles, although greatly irritated, just made their way around the obstacle. Many of them cursed the

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The Obstacle in Our Path Parable

A wise king had a boulder placed in the middle of the main road leading into and out of the kingdom. For most of the day, busy merchants and wealthy nobles, although greatly irritated, just made their way around the obstacle. Many of them cursed the king for not having the boulder moved.

Finally, a vegetable farmer with a small cart came by. Seeing that the boulder was a great obstacle for his fellow merchants with wagons, he decided to try to move the boulder. He pushed and strained as fellow travelers watched. Eventually, he was able to clear the boulder from the roadway. As he went back to retrieve his cart, he noticed a money bag where the boulder had been. Inside was a dozen gold coins along with a note from the king thanking him.

As a company, Dahhan Business Services has encountered corporates or individuals who consider the company as “boulders”, a nuisance or an obstacle, but yet those who have tried using our services, experienced a hassle free document processing with quality and compliant to the UAE laws in general which continuously empowered every aspiring business owners.

We can be an obstacle but you have to see it in a different way and use this as an opportunity. We are here to empower, encourage and uplift others!

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Freezing License or Liquidating Company in Dubai? Sat, 12 Mar 2022 05:00:04 +0000 Freezing License or Liquidating Company in Dubai? In Business – to freeze or liquidate your license? Today, let’s talk about the difference between freezing the company’s license and closing down the company. Many of us don’t know that we can freeze a license for at least a maximum of 3 years if

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Freezing License or Liquidating Company in Dubai?

In Business – to freeze or liquidate your license?

Today, let’s talk about the difference between freezing the company’s license and closing down the company.

Many of us don’t know that we can freeze a license for at least a maximum of 3 years if the company undergoes a restructuring of its financial liabilities. A company is like a live entity that has a life cycle, it lives and it dies as well. Closing the existence of any legal entity in the UAE is a multi-step procedure that involves liquidation of the company and assets, paying creditors, and more. It is understandable in terms of company termination, so let’s find out what is freezing the company’s license.

Well, freezing the company’s license means that you can keep your license inactive for a specific period of time. For sole establishments registered in DED license suspension cannot exceed one-year but other types of companies can have their license frozen for up to three years. The three years period cannot be extended.

Please note that this option is not applicable in all emirates and free zones, therefore it’s worth checking such availability prior to any action taken. The license can be frozen in the Dubai Department of Economic Development for example.

Once the license is frozen, it is illegal for a company to practice any of its activities. At the same time, it is worth mentioning that the owner of a frozen license or shareholder is allowed, during the suspension period of his expired license, to apply under his name, for a new license and is able to set up new companies and businesses in Dubai.

What are the most common situations when the owner can freeze the license?

The option of freezing a license is like a helping hand for those companies that would like to suspend the license to avoid liquidation and prevent losses.

As you know, if the company’s owner does not renew his license, a non-renewed license fine will apply. All emirates and free zones have different fines, let’s say DED licenses are fined after a grace period of 30 days for AED 200/month. A frozen license can stop the accumulation of fines during the suspension period of an expired license.

If the license is not renewed 5 years in a row, then it will be canceled automatically.

Moreover, any partner that did not timely renew his license and has a company with the expired license will be blocked from renewing or registering any additional new or currently existing license unless all fines have been settled.

Therefore, the most common situation is when a business owner does not want to lose his license as it costs a lot. You can apply for a licensing freeze only one time during the period of the company’s existence.

Note upon freezing your license

Before you start the procedure of freezing the license, make sure there are no pending legal actions against your company at the time of application. You should be aware that creditors do not lose their right to claim against a company and initiate a court case against a company with a frozen license. In case of a court claim, the Department of Economic Development will de-freeze the license.

The license freeze can only be deactivated only once throughout the duration of the freeze period even if the license is being frozen just for a day.

As opposed to freezing, company closure, or company liquidation is the process in which the legal status of the company is completely terminated. The liquidation is also known as the winding up of the company after which the company is finally wound up completely and stops existence. A company can be liquidated in a compulsory or voluntary mode. The reason can be the shareholder’s decision, financial instability, or any other reason. Remember, that the main advantage of freezing a license is helping the non-active company with expired licenses to keep the license, suspend business and prevent from paying license non-renewal fines. This temporary solution is a real helping hand for some companies in difficult times to avoid liquidation, and the chance to renew operations, restart businesses, and avoid going through the new setup procedure with relevant new setup costs.

Disclaimer: Dahhan Business Services is not affiliated with any particular government or legal entity. Dahhan Business Services does not give professional legal advice nor any other professional advice subject to a public office in the government. This article merely sets out a simple and basic idea regarding the freezing of a license. Dahhan Business Services in no way holds nor imposes any official governmental or legal authority and the article herein is only to be taken as a guide. All further governmental or legal issues should be addressed to the corresponding authorities.

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Temporary or Part time Work Permit Sun, 16 May 2021 05:00:43 +0000 Temporary or Part time Work Permit Did you know that you can work legally even if your residency is under another company's sponsorship? Yes, you are right! There is a legal way to do that. It is a service provided by the Ministry to recruit a national or expatriate worker residing in

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Temporary or Part time Work Permit

part time permit

Did you know that you can work legally even if your residency is under another company’s sponsorship?

Yes, you are right! There is a legal way to do that. It is a service provided by the Ministry to recruit a national or expatriate worker residing in the UAE to carry out work within a certain period of time.

We just need a few requirements from you:

  1. A copy of both establishments’ trade licenses (the current establishment and the application applying establishment)
  2. A color photograph with a white background of the worker
  3. A copy of the worker’s passport
  4. If academic qualification is required (post-secondary diploma, university degree, or equivalent), a copy thereof which should be authenticated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall be attached
  5. A letter of approval issued by the competent authority shall be attached if so required (doctor, pharmacist, nurse, and teacher)
  6. A copy of the contract
  7. No objection certificate from the old sponsor
  8. A copy of the worker’s visa that includes (the sponsor or establishment name) that is valid for more than 6 months

Who are eligible to apply?

  1. Labour (MOHRE) registered employees, with terms and conditions that:

    • Students of both genders (from the age of 18 years) who are under the sponsorship of their relatives, schools, or universities. In the condition that the visa profession is (student)
    • Females (from the age of 18 years) who are under the sponsorship of their relatives
    • Husbands under the sponsorship of the wives
    • Husbands of national females
    • Children of national females
  2. Non-Labour registered individuals, like the following:

    • Students of both genders (from the age of 18 years) who are under the sponsorship of their relatives, schools, or universities. In the condition that the visa profession is (student)
    • Females (from the age of 18 years) who are under the sponsorship of their relatives
    • Husbands under the sponsorship of the wives
    • Husbands of national females
    • Children of national females

Under the following conditions:

  1. The worker and his/her non-national relatives shall have a valid residence visa stamped in the passport
  2. The guardian approval

The Ministry may approve to grant of a temporary work permit, without satisfying the condition related to the former employer’s approval and the validity of the card and residence visa, in the following cases:

  • If you have a labour complaint that is referred by the Ministry to a court of law
  • If it is confirmed that the employer failed to pay wages for a period exceeding two months according to the wage’s protection office report or the labour relation offices report

In this way, you will be able to work in different industries without worrying that the authorities will be after you and the company you are working for. If an individual will be caught working for companies illegally there are hefty fines imposed not just for the company you are working for but also for yourself.

So, to avoid this constant worrying, let us help you. Contact us for more details.

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