Trademark Services

We advise our clients in brand selection, brand name availability, clearance searches and provide wide-ranging services to secure protection and maintain their rights in trademarks, logos, slogans and packaging etc.

Do you want to protect your business?

Whether you are an entrepreneur who is looking forward to launching a new business or have an already-established one, GoldSpoon Business Services manages the whole process of creating your trademark.

To protect your business identity, your products, services, and even ideas, you have got to register your trademark. Not only will you safeguard your brand but also stand out amongst your competitors. No matter if your trademark is a name, sign, picture, signature, colour, word, slogan, shape, or combination of any of these, with our trademark services, we guarantee that your brand will never be unlawfully used.

What Is a Trademark Services Class System?

As per the International Trademark Classification System, trademarks are classified into 45 broad categories of goods and services. In the UAE, it is possible to register trademarks in 44 classes.

A separate application is required for registration of a trademark in each class as the trademark office reviews each class independently. Each class provides information about the type of goods or services that the mark represents. In order to ensure effective protection and avoid needless costs, opt for the exact class you need.

What Are the Benefits of Trademark Registration?

By registering your trademark, you get to reap considerable benefits, atop of which are:

  • Shielding your brand identity
  • Protecting your business against others using the same or similar marks
  • Guarding you against other infamous businesses trading in the same industry
  • A valuable asset that can be licensed, franchised or sold

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